Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Twitter killed my blog.

Since my discovery of Twitter, this blog has fallen into obscurity. I will not commit to revitalizing it, I will not claim to write more in 2010. But this is a blog and I never know when I'll write so who know's what's in store for the next year. Please feel free to join the Twitter community, I'm there often. (www.twitter.com/adamansel) Hope 2009 has been good to you and I hope 2010 is even better. I'm expecting adventure.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Our apartment is getting it's yearly inspection today to make sure we aren't housing dogs, making counterfit money, burning holes in the carpet, and other fun things like that. So last night we did some major cleaning to make sure the place looked respectable. It is absolutely, perfectly clean right now so hopefully they come by today because if they postpone their visit until tomorrow it might already be looking dirty again. Anyway, all that cleaning stirred up some dust and now today I am a sneezing mess. The last sneeze almost blew out my ear drums. On my drive to work I sneezed 8 times in a row, I'm quite surprised I didn't veer off into a tree or another car. When I go outside my nose clears up and I can actually breathe, but as soon as I'm indoors, my nose fills up with gunk and my head starts to build pressure like I'm going underwater. I'm not complaining, it's quite exciting and makes the day interesting that's for sure. Maybe I'll get the world record for most amount of sneezes in a day or most tissues used in a 24 hour time period!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

27th again, already...

It's been over a month since my last post. Whoops. So much for writing more regularly. It's not that I haven't had anything to write about, there have been a few times I actually opened up a new blog and just didn't feel like writing. So I didn't. But today I feel like writing something, I'm just not sure what. I don't want to ramble, yet I don't want to remain quiet.
I've been thinking about Africa a lot lately. I miss living there, I miss the people, the kids, the food, waking up to the sun rising over Lake Victoria, and going to bed with rain pouring on the tin roof sounding like maching gun fire. I look forward to the day Jenny and I can move back there. That will be a good day.
I know God has us here now.
But I'm pretty sure that one day God will take us back there to stay.
Hopefully we can at least visit this year.
I've forgotten how it feels to be living under an equatorial sun.
I've forgotten the smells, and faces, and names.
Every day in Africa was an adventure in one way or another. I thrive there.
I look forward to experiencing it with Jenny. Being there together. Having a home with lots of kids running around. Shifah, Rashid, Shamim, Martin, all helping out. Eating rolex and fries with a Coke late at night.
One day.

Friday, March 27, 2009

As March Closes

This year is flying by. Where has January, February, and March gone? What? April is here already. But that's the way life goes, speeding past us like a bullet train while we stand at the station and watch. That gets me thinking about the vastness of eternity. Eternity is going to be a long time. I'm not sure if we'll keep track of days and years anymore, or even time. It won't even matter. Right now while we're watching the bullet train of time fly by we're also speeding towards an inevitable ending. But once eternity dawns on us that's over. Of course eternity could be forever wonderful living in the kingdom of our Lord Jesus or it could be beyond words separated from Him forever. Time won't matter anymore. We'll just be - forever. One place or another.
I'm not sure what got me writing about this, it's just on my mind. I'm so grateful, thankful, speechless that the wonderful love of Jesus saved me, forgave me, restored me. I want others to know that same love, I want you to know that same love if you don't already. The love of an almighty God, the creator of all, who knows you and calls you His own.
So April approaches: springtime, flowers, blue skies, warmer weather. Don't waste too much time worrying about the bullet train passing. Jump on, live every day so it matters. Live with purpose because our time here is short and eternity is long and once we're there we can't change what we did while we were here. Live well, live for Jesus.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


The whirlwind has settled down. Jenny and I took a fast, busy, trip back to my home town of Cumberland for the weekend. Some highlights: a red-eye flight with a stop in Vegas (played $2 in the slots, lost $2 in the slots), riding a tractor and chasing cows, jumping in a cold canal to grab some worm/snake/parasite thing, a concert, Cracker Barrel, and the worst movie of all time (The Day the Earth Stood Still). It's always interesting going home and seeing how some things change and some things stay the same. The farm looks the same. Same barn almost falling over. Same house I grew up in. Same small town. Saw some friends from back in the day, but we've all grown up. It's fun remembering the good times, but life has separated a lot of us, and a lot has happened since then. But seeing them brought back the last few years of high school, youth group, and those last few moments before adult hood. It was good to come back to California. It was good to ride up the PCH past Neptune's Net and see the moonlight on the Pacific. It felt good to step back into our apartment, to lie in our bed. It's interesting how life and people change, it feels like you stay the same and everything else revolves and changes, but that's how it is for everyone. To each individual, they are stationary and everything else moves.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Leaving on a jet plane

Jenny and I are leaving this evening for Maryland, on a jet plane. We have a layover in Las Vegas, so maybe I'll get lucky with the slots and come back much wealthier. 3 days from now we'll be on another jet plane coming back home.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Been a long time coming

So I've decided to re-vamp the look of the blog. I know, I know, I haven't written in like 3 months. And I'm sure everyone has been anxiously holding their breath waiting for the next post. I don't want to be one of those people who start a blog and then never write anything. I like to write, I enjoy writing, it's nice to share stories and life with those of you who choose to actually read this blog. So I'm going to try to be diligent and write more often.
Enough of that stuff.
It's March already. The first seven months of marriage have flown by. Jenny and I are heading to Maryland this coming week. Just a 3 day trip. A quick lay-over in Vegas, maybe we'll win big.
Just a quick mention of the Beta clan. We have 7 at the moment, Sirius Black, Yao, Gypsy Tears, Messiah, Bruin, Beautiful, and Baby S, but tomorrow morning we'll be adding a new member to the clan... Two years ago Jenny and I went to France with some friends and we're having a reunion tomorrow so we're going to go in search of a red, blue, whitish Beta in honor of the French flag. He's already named - Francoise.
A few weeks ago we looked into breeding Beta's. Thought it might be fun, and it would be, but unfortunately it could produce up to 500 babies who all have to be kept individually and that's just not going to happen, so that dream went up in smoke for now.
Enough of the Beta talk.
Please keep checking beck, I'm going to try to be faithful, and you can post remarks to keep me in check!