Friday, March 27, 2009

As March Closes

This year is flying by. Where has January, February, and March gone? What? April is here already. But that's the way life goes, speeding past us like a bullet train while we stand at the station and watch. That gets me thinking about the vastness of eternity. Eternity is going to be a long time. I'm not sure if we'll keep track of days and years anymore, or even time. It won't even matter. Right now while we're watching the bullet train of time fly by we're also speeding towards an inevitable ending. But once eternity dawns on us that's over. Of course eternity could be forever wonderful living in the kingdom of our Lord Jesus or it could be beyond words separated from Him forever. Time won't matter anymore. We'll just be - forever. One place or another.
I'm not sure what got me writing about this, it's just on my mind. I'm so grateful, thankful, speechless that the wonderful love of Jesus saved me, forgave me, restored me. I want others to know that same love, I want you to know that same love if you don't already. The love of an almighty God, the creator of all, who knows you and calls you His own.
So April approaches: springtime, flowers, blue skies, warmer weather. Don't waste too much time worrying about the bullet train passing. Jump on, live every day so it matters. Live with purpose because our time here is short and eternity is long and once we're there we can't change what we did while we were here. Live well, live for Jesus.

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